Monday, May 17, 2010


This is just kind of a random thought that I was wondering about. Ever since I started working again, my days at work go really fast and my days off go really slow. Why is this? It certainly didn't feel that way before I was unemployed.

Maybe I'm just restless. Maybe it is the excitement and newness of working again. Or maybe it is just that I am not spending all of my time when I'm not at work....looking for work. More than likely that is what it is.

((Extreme Close Up of Me//Courtesy: TLB))

The funny thing is I jumped right back into a routine. I started working right before we left to go on a short vacation. When I came back I had to work the next morning and then had 4 days of class once I finished my weekend. That got things moving at more of a normal speed.

Now I sit here anxious to do something on the days off. Granted, I did get some things accomplished today, but it has reeeaaaallly dragged out.

Sure, I posted a couple of stories to the OnlineSportsGuys website, I went to the bank, ran 3 miles, got the people who own the house we are renting to replace our broken microwave and arranged to go take a test. And I still have part of the day left. But Michelle will be home soon, we can have a beer or two, sit down to dinner and watch some TV tonight.

You know, as I write this, I'm beginning to think that it sounds like I am complaining, I am not. I do relish having time off and I am fully aware that I should be careful what I ask for.

This week will be better than last. I have a class tomorrow at the Computer school. Wednesday I have to go to the station and take my writing test (apparently I have to do this so they can promote me to full-time next week).

Before I know it, Friday will be here and I'll go back to work for three days. Next week I have 3 days worth of classes.

I'm about to go back to being a full-time employee. I'm going to have to drop a few of my classes, but not all of them. My time, even though it sounds like I'm complaining I have too much of it, will soon be gone. I relish the thought. I relish the challenge and I'm looking forward to doing much, much more than spending most of my day at the house...sitting in front of the computer.
(yes, I know i won't be able to post as much/that has slowed anyway)

Enjoy your STYX fix: Thanks Vevo and The You Tube

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