Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Winner, Winner....Chicken Dinner!

I love that line. John Bucigross from the 4-letter (ESPN) uses it all the time. Today, I'm borrowing it.

Finally, my short-term goal has been achieved. I got a full-time job. It's been 8 months since I last worked a 40-hour week, next week I will do it again.

Without a doubt, this was the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. I learned, learned a lot about both the job search and even more about myself.

((The WTLV-TV Rally Dogs, Circa 1992 (media league champs)//Courtesy: Jeff Imperial))

I've always been very goal oriented and that really was helpful. You have to be. The hardest thing for me was the networking. I've said it many times on this blog, job searching is a total different beast than it used to be.

One of the first things I did upon arriving in Cincinnati was to get involved with a couple of networking groups. Through them I met some people who introduced me to a few more people. Will they be long term friends, I don't know, but without them I could never have gotten my name out there like I was able to.

No, I didn't search the "New" textbook way. Though I did apply some of the things that I learned in and through those groups.

I went back to one of those groups this past Tuesday. Mostly to thank Pat Frew, the moderator/creator of the group who extended me an unbelievable amount of courtesy and help.
Pat spent some time in the TV business and is perhaps one of the most connected people in the greater Cincinnati area. I will never be able to thank him enough for his help.

I've always been one who is willing to help others. I always will. I want to know that people that I know don't go through what I did. I don't want them to take a demeaning job like I did for a period of time. I want everyone to find something that they are happy doing. I want, even if the national unemployment rate is hovering around 10%, for the people that I know, the people that I like to be happy. I want John Bucigross to look at them and be able to say "Winner, Winner...Chicken Dinner".

Enjoy your music clip. Cheap Trick doing "I want you to want me!"....

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