Monday, February 15, 2010

Enough already....No more snow!

I don't know about anyone else, but I think I've had enough of this whole winter thing. It's bad enough that the TLB (The Lovely Bride) and I have been transplanted to this town that isn't quite in the Northeast, isn't quite in the midwest or in the central part of the country, no, we're in Cincinnati where it supposedly snows a little (avg. 22in.), only our 1st winter is snowing...A LOT!

Those who know me well or at least
remember me mumbling something about it, will remember that I was actually born in New York...Long Island to be exact. We moved from there when I was 5 to Florida and I've never really left the Southeast. Yes, I lived in SW Virginia...Lynchburg to be exact for a year and a half while at my 1st TV Job, but aside from that, I've pretty much been raised in the South.

I know that, when I lived in Lynchburg and the 4 years that I lived in Nashville, I saw snow. Not tons of it (well, there was the one big snowstorm in 1995 or 96), but enough that it was kind of a cool "Novelty" kind of thing.

We are now in Snowstorm #4 for 2010 here in Cincinnati. While we haven't quite gotten hammered like the folks in D.C and Maryland, we've gotten our fair share. The storm we are currently riding out...oh...we are around 6 inches and it is still coming down and will be until tomorrow morning.

Do I sound like I'm complaining? Yeah...I guess that I am. I do have some cold weather/snow gear to deal with it. Thank you WGCL for buying me a nice pair of snow boots in 2005 for the Falcons NFC Championship game in Philadelphia where it snowed over a foot in about 4 hours, I don't think I could deal with this without those.

But anyway, I just felt like rambling about this. It has been a bit of a challenge to deal with. I had to shovel my driveway this afternoon when I returned home just so I could park in it. I'm going to have to go out and do it again before the day is over. Our house: because our heating bills are astronomical...the house is set at or around 56 degrees. It just is kind of old having to dress cold...all the time.

Is the snow going to stop? Yeah...eventually, though more is expected this weekend. I guess on the good side, they know how to deal with it here for the most part. Unlike Atlanta where there were people running around buildings throwing there hands up and screaming in panic, nobody here panics. Here they just calmly say "Well, it's snowing, what do we do now?". The roads, despite all of the snow are in fairly good shape. They weren't this morning, but once the snow plow gets to your street, you know it.

Anyway, I'll stop whining now. I know that it was our choice to come up here to the Northern hinterlands and we'd make the same decision if it ever comes up again. It's just an adjustment, albeit a big one. TLB for one absolutely hates this weather, me, I'm not a fan, but I can deal with it. I think the only one who likes Daisy the Wonder Dog.

In honor of the passing of one of Rock's great's Doug Fieger of the Knack...I give you not My Sharona...but rather my favorite Knack song...Enjoy. Thanks You Tube:

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