Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Different Food for Different Folks....

When you live in an area that is different from the area of which you are from, you sometimes notice differences. Granted, sometimes they are subtle or cultural, but they are all the same still differences.

TLB (The Lovely Bride) and I spent part of a warm, sunny Memorial Day afternoon at the Taste of Cinicnnati food festival. We consider ourselves somewhat enlightened on good, quality food and we expected nothing less at "The Taste".

((Me and a Peroni beer//Courtesy: TLB))

The Taste of Cincinnati is one of the country's oldest "Food" festivals. It's held in the downtown area, spread out along 5th street for about 6-8 blocks.

I guess that I should take the time now to point out that...well...we ain't from this part of the world. Granted, Cincinnati is more Northern Kentucky than a part of Ohio, but either way it is a pretty good distance from most of the world that we were raised in. Much like people in the North tend to mock the Southern lifestyle, that works both ways.

We've been to a couple of "Festivals" on the streets of downtown Cincy and quite honestly, though it was a somewhat strange event, we thoroughly enjoyed the "Oktoberfest Zinzinnati" event back in late September. How can you not love a 6-block long street party to celebrate beer?

So we went to the "Taste" with an open mind, looking for some adventure. We found it. We started at a pizza place. I had a sub with some pretty good Italian cold-cuts, TLB, a slice of their 4-cheese and spinach pizza. Yummm...pretty good stuff.

We made our way down the street noting places and items that sounded interesting. By the time we hit the mid-point of our walk, it was time for something else. Our choice "Bumble-bee stew" from a restaurant called J-Gumbo's. I was a mix of rice, corn, black beans, tomato's and a honey sweet broth. Yes, it was every bit as good as it sounded.

((Sauerkraut balls//Courtesy: TLB))

The next stop came after we finished our 1st lap of the festival. We stopped at a Thai food place (I can't remember the name) and got something called "Golden Delight". It essentially was a dumpling wrapped in a noodle shaped like a pouch and tied at the end. Combined with a spicy-sweet dipping sauce, it was pretty good.

After re-stocking the beer supply at the Blue Moon booth, we rolled on. Our last stop took us to something that we both had been curious about. When at the Oktoberfest event, we noticed that all the German places sold "Sauerkraut Balls". **Note to my friends** please stop snickering here.

We decided it was time to try the "Sauerkraut Balls". Thankfully, they were about what you would think they'd be. Think "hush-puppy" stuffed with Sauerkraut and you'd be pretty spot on.

Needless to say, some of this you would never find in the South. I don't think I am being disparaging in saying this. We've been to the "Taste of Atlanta", it was nothing like this. Well, actually they had a bunch of restaurants serving their foods too, the foods were just a tad bit different.

I won't totally go on record as saying that they have some odd tastes here because there are some really good eating places in town if you know where to look. What I am saying is that it is just different.

The food here is good, it is just mostly fried. It's mostly the heavy stuff, though we've found some awfully good hamburgers in this part of the world.

I'll also add that the beer selection is fantastic too. They have the usual people and places that don't expand there repertoires past Budwater and Millwater Lite, but not nearly as much as they do down south. No, there's some seriously good, deep, wide ranging beer taste's here, something that makes someone like me, who's into the craft beers....very, very happy.

Just because this is a kind of cool song...and there are some latent cultural differences in play too. Enjoy your music fix featuring Sweet singing "Ballroom Blitz". Thanks You Tube:

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