Friday, March 5, 2010

Saturation Bombing

Early on, when I started doing this, my focus was going to be concentrating on my search for a full-time job. As things progressed and I got less and less successful and some other things were going on in my life, I kind of got away from that. I'm not sitting here and saying that I am going to get back to the mission that I started, but today I'm going to go back to it...a little.

So...its now going on 6 months and counting since I had a full-time job. My last day at WGCL in Atlanta was September 8th. Since then it has been one interesting experience. I don't know if I want to use the word frustrated, though I have been and in some ways, I currently am; rather I would prefer saying...I am more anxious.

By now, I've mentioned ad nauseum about working part-time at the Panera Bread down the street. Yeah, it sucks. Yeah, it is...I'll say it...beneath me. But, I've gotta do something. I've realized this week, having been off for pretty much all of it, that you have to do something in order to interact with people on occasion or you will go crazy (at least I will).

My time this week has been spent pretty much on two things. One, my Sports blog site. I've been generating a ton of content and it has paid off a bit. Traffic is up and we've gotten some attention. The other, applying for jobs. Any jobs. Yeah, I've finally hit that point where I'm trying for just about anything. Dick's Sporting Goods, The Fresh Market, AT&T...anybody that will let me submit a resume'.

I still, believe it or not have a chance at a job here with WCPO, but the process has dragged out for over a month now. As much as I liked the people there and I like their shows, I'm not optimistic. The News Director has been very nice and responsive when I check in with him, but I'm not really confident. He's had too much time to wait out someone else he can hire. I also have a resume' in at WLWT where they are looking for an Assignment Editor. Yes, I am qualified enough to do that and they should have gotten my resume' etc. on I haven't heard anything from them despite perhaps writing one of the best cover letters I've ever written. Heck, I even have a DVD and resume at the Fox station for a Promotion Producer/Photographer job. I haven't heard a peep from them either. TV wise, I am running into the "We can't pay you" wall. I had to explain to the folks at WCPO that "I don't need Atlanta money, I just need a full-time job for my sanity".

Honestly, what worries me is that though I've applied for 8 non-TV jobs this week and last, I haven't heard anything from any of them either. I'm very concerned because I'm not really sure where to turn next. Yes, I know that I was involved with the Networking group early on here and perhaps I need to revisit that.

The problem I think in some respects is me. I'm not a "Pushy", "Sell myself" kind of person and that seems to be hurting me. I'm not someone who wants to beg people to help. Is it pride? A little. Is it ego? No, I don't think so. I'm applying for all kinds of work. Is it lack of knowledge? Yeah, probably. I just am not very well equipped to deal with the "Modern" job search techniques. Can I skim the Internet and find potential opportunities? Sure, I'm actually pretty good at that. But...everything that I'm reading...and experiencing is telling me that while I might hit the "Needle in the Haystack" it isn't likely.

Is there a solution? I don't know. There has to be something...or someone willing to take a flyer on me. Really I am a good employee, I always have been. I'm somewhat of a perfectionist and anyone who has ever been around me will tell you whatever it is that I end up doing, I'll be good at. The reason they say is my OCD tendency to have to learn everything possible about whatever it is that I am doing. Surely that...if nothing else makes me someone who somebody wants to hire....right?

For you entertainment enjoy a classic Monty Python sketch on a job interview. Thanks You Tube:

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