Sunday, January 17, 2010

Here I sit!

So, I've spent say...oh...the past 21 years or so in a business where it is all about deadlines and deadline pressure. Yet, as I sit here writing this blog post, I fully realize that I need to be cranking out chapters for the book that I am a part of writing, yet I am really having a tough time getting motivated to do it. So here I sit.

((Me drinking a beer in Belize//Courtesy: Michelle)

For those of us who went to college, I have a theory. The theory is that you never lose the procrastinate until the time of the test mindset. Heck, even professionally despite working on deadline most of the time I did it. You can ask just about anyone who worked with me. When I needed to be fast, I was. Nobody could be more efficient. But...when I had time. I took it. All of it. I sit.

I always wondered about this phenomenon, why not just me...but almost everyone that I know practices it. I mean really. I know "What" I need to do. I know "How Long" it takes me to do it. I even have a plan mapped out to get it done without having to cram it all in at the end.

And yet here I sit on the mighty I-Mac with Oliver the Cat behind me crashed out on the dog's bed putting off doing the work that I need to do.

The book, really is pretty simple. It's a project that my friend Jon got and is sharing with the rest of the Production Company. He gets the author title, we get to be non-titled authors in the acknowledgements (which is fine).

For those who don't know. Yes, I have and have had a production company...OSG Sports Media for over a year now. We don't have a lengthy list of production work that we have done, really we have the website...and the book.

The book is even about a subject that I know well. "100 Things that every Georgia Football fan should know and see before they die". I covered Georgia Football for 10 years. I know the coaches, players, fans and administrators pretty well. But yet here I sit.

Heck, I have done some of the work. I've written 15 Chapters so far. Not bad. But...I have 19 more to go. Originally we started with 25 Chapters spread between 4 of us. One had to drop out and we each had to pick up his work. Me, I've got 34 to do.

They aren't hard. Really. Two pages on a word document. A lot of mine are things that I've either been to or know the history about. If I put my mind to it...700+ words in about 30-45 minutes. And yeah, I type pretty fast for a dude. But yet here I sit.

So you are probably asking ('cause I am)...Why if you have work to do on a rainy, cold Sunday...are you sitting here writing this instead? Good question. A question that I don't know if I can answer. Maybe it's the same reason when I was in school I never did my homework until Sunday night. Maybe because I like writing on my blog. Heck...maybe I'm just slowly watching my Twitter Feed (osgphil-look me up) for a story for the OSG Website (That is what I did Wednesday instead of writing for the book). Heck...I don't know. But yet here I sit.

Perhaps this bolt of wisdom from Mr. T will help me. Thanks You Tube!

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