Monday, January 4, 2010

Re-finding Motivation

Is it safe to say that the holiday season is now officially over? Unfortunately, it now means...for some...going back to work and for others it means that it is time to get re-energized, re-motivated and re-invigorated and try to find some work.

The question that I have is how? Having never gone through the holidays in the position that I am currently in, I am trying to figure out the answer to that question. It wasn't hard to get motivated when I first got here nor was it hard to stay motivated for a good, long while after I got settled in.

((Me looking like I do when I am on the computer//Courtesy: Phil's I-Mac))

But now as I sit here with the Wonder Dog asleep next to my chair, I really don't know what to exactly do next. I spent a lot of time in the fall trying to get involved with some Networking groups, which was interesting and they did give me some background and perspective, but I am starting to wonder what else the groups here can offer me. There are not many (met 2) people from my line of work involved with the groups and they really didn't have much to offer in the way of help. I've already decided that I want to stay if not in my chosen field, at least something pretty closely related. I really think that even if I could manage to get some freelance work that I could over time make that work and I don't know how much the Networking group would help me there.

The other part of the problem is time. My time is somewhat consumed on the days that I work my part-time job. I generally work from 5:30am until 1 or 2 in the afternoon, which is great because I get some money out of it, but by the time I get home, eat some lunch and get organized, Michelle gets home and I don't get much else accomplished. Granted, I still have 3 or so days a week to get my searching done, but the Networking group that I mentioned in the above paragraph meets on Monday mornings and I am beginning to think though I am occasionally off on Monday, I can better spend my time here, on the computer looking for stuff as opposed to 3-plus hours with the group. On top of that, one of the projects I started before leaving Atlanta, co-authoring a book needs to be finished...soon so that is taking some time as well.

Is there a solution to the problem I stated before I started rambling? I don't know. There has to be some sort of middle ground and that really is what I am wrestling with. I am very much a creature of habit who likes to get into a bit of a routine in terms of what I do, when I do it and how I do it and since arriving in Cincinnati, I have been completely unable to do that. I am trying to figure out a way to at least cobble together some projects that I can make some money off of. Ultimately, I really just want to get back to doing what it is that I do best. I'm not very picky as to whom I work for or where I work for them, I just want to not have to do what I have been doing right now.

Enjoy a motivational speech...from Gene Hackman in the classic movie Hoosiers: Thanks You Tube

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