**Copied from a story I wrote on my other website http://onlinesportsguys.com**
No, I'm not talking about the Chinese Dish "Happy Family", I am talking about mine. My Lovely Bride (heretofore referred to as :TLB
((Chelle and me at July 4th celebration in Decatur, Ga. 2009))
Why would she be anxious? Well, for starters, she is Louisiana born and bred. She is from Lafayette...about an hour west of Baton Rouge and home of the Ragin' Cajun's. TLB is a "Huge" football fan, particularly if it involves either LSU or the Saints. Which by the way, I don't have any problem with, we all should have wives who love football...it was a pre-requisite for me.
Anyway, we decided earlier in the week that we would watch the game, starting out at Buffalo Wild Wings about a mile or so from the house. We'd watch the first half from there, eating wings...well boneless wings and having a couple of beers. Second half, we'd head home and watch from the comfort of our living room couch. Unfortunately here in Cincinnati, there wasn't a ton of interest in the game. The crowd at Wild Wings had some Saints fan, but the place basically had emptied out after the Indianapolis game ended. That did make it easier to sit down though.
TLB was well behaved at the restaurant, showing restraint and mildly cheering when her beloved Saints did something good and making fun of Brett Favre with me when they didn't. The first half didn't determine much, we paid our check and headed home.
Now, once we got home and the second half started...it was on. TLB was on everything. When the Saints scored...huge high pitched squeals of delight. When they couldn't recover the multiple Vikings fumbles...she shouted "JUST FALL ON IT!!!!!". It was quite a sight and all I could do to keep from laughing.
I actually did something pretty cool during the second half of the game. I had my laptop computer fired up and was on Twitter (follow me at osgphil). I am following a bunch of the National Sports Writers and other Sports Guys and it was really interesting reading there observations...actually in a lot of cases it was pretty damn funny, I highly recommend it. We really enjoyed hearing the commentary about Favre.
So, the yelling and screaming at the TV continued into overtime, though not before I got tackled myself when Favre threw his late game INT. It didn't end until the game did. When it did, that is when I realized just how significant the Saints win was. They are a team that an entire state identifies with. With all that they have been through, all they have suffered and as bad over the years as they have been, the people of Louisiana identify with them. They live with them, they die with them. Good, bad they are always behind them. It really hit me there at the end and made me realize all of this when I looked over at TLB and she was crying.
Check out this video made driving around after the Game on Bourbon Street: Thanks You Tube
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