Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Motivation Part 2

OK, so I'm glad that I got yesterday out of my system. I guess that every once and a while that there will be days where you just don't want to deal with anything and Monday morning that was exactly how I felt.

The trick is finding a way to either get over it or get past it and I think that I did that. I admit, I was a bit bummed that I did not get the job at WCPO, not that working weekend overnights producing a show would be anything spectacular, but it would have been something to do and it would have paid a whole lot better than the current part-time job that I have does.

((Photo//Me at the old job Producing the Sunday Sports Show...Circa 2005))

I think I snapped out of it after I went out and ran an errand yesterday and returned to a nice e-mail from one of my Facebook friends who as it turned out has a cousin up here who works for another of the TV Stations. Will it work out? I don't know, but I sent his cousin an e-mail...I'm waiting to see if I actually get a response from him...but hey, it's something.

The other is a potential opportunity with one of the teams here in Cincinnati. The job is a bit different, I don't know that I want to get into detail, yet, but it would be a lot of work and a lot of hours. We will see what happens. The reason that I mention it is that I got on their radar because someone that I met knew someone who worked for the team and would be involved in the hiring process. He introduced me to her, we talked and I sent my information to her, we'll see what happens from there.

I guess that my point today is this. Don't dwell on bad days for very long. You are going to have them. Deal with it and move on. Chances are when you do, something good will happen shortly thereafter. It's weird how it works that way, but I've found, at least for me...that is how it works. Do I think that I will immediately get a job from this? I don't know. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. But opportunities or potential opportunities were created where there were none and really, given the situation...it's all that you can really ask for.

And on that note, enjoy the trailer for the Greatest Christmas Movie Ever: Thanks You Tube

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