Every once and awhile you get an opportunity to do things that would be great to do but you don't necessarily "Have" to do.
Really I should qualify this. I had a job interview today (Hooray!). It was in my field of work, in this case it was for a part-time fill in News Producer job. Those who know me or my background know that I have worked in News for a long time, but I've never really produced a Newscast. I've done plenty of Sports shows. I did a 30-minute live Sunday night Sports show for 2 years in Atlanta and for a couple of years back in the day when I worked in Jacksonville too. I also helped create and produced a College Football Post-game show while in Atlanta. So I have produced a lot of Live TV, just not news.
This also was my 1st "Formal" Job Interview since I've been in Cincinnati. It went very well. Maybe it was just that I had made up my mind that I had "Nothing to Lose", I don't know. But, we had a very nice conversation and I spent about an hour at the TV Station. Maybe it will payoff and I'll get the gig...maybe I won't...but quite honestly, I'm not really worried about it; should something else come up there. They will call me. I'm very sure of it.
What I've discovered here and with some other opportunities that I've had over the past several years is actually pretty simple. Just be yourself. Really, it works. Don't try to be something that you aren't. Like anything else, it comes across if you are faking it. Or if you are "Laying it on too thick". Really, it does.
Am I saying don't "Do your homework on the company?". No. Am I saying don't be robotic and give pre-programmed answers...HELL YES. Just have a conversation, try to be relaxed and smile...a lot. Be curious. Ask a lot of questions. Look like you are interested in what the person you are talking to has to say. Most important of all...listen to what they say.
Yes, it's true that for every conversation, you will get the "What are your strengths and weaknesses"...blah...blah...blah. Use some of things that you've already discussed. Be ready to talk about your greatness, but be humble.
I'm about to repeat myself here as I finish, but it's the most important thing I could ever...EVER stress to anyone who is about to have a job interview. BE YOURSELF. BE CHARMING, BE HAPPY and most importantly HAVE FUN!
Yes, we're going with the obvious here: Everybody have fun tonight...Everybody Wang Chung tonight...Wang Chung Live somewhere in Japan: Thanks You Tube
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